To start with, no one left with their ears bleeding. I call that a win on any front.
I’m tired in my bones with a long day of roofing ahead of me, so I’ll be brief.
Very warm audience response. Several people were there who had just “happened by” and found that the evening’s entertainment was Celtic/Folk. They stayed. They loved the show.
A few complaints that there was not enough seating – we were standing-room-only a few points in the evening, which was nice. The audience was attentive, appreciative, hearing the stories in the songs and riding the ride, so to speak. I have several new fans and my mailing list is expanded by several email addresses.
There’s talk from the owner of the shop and the music coordinator of making my performance at the Stone Bridge a regular, paying gig. Must…finish…CD…
Highlights of the evening:
Kiri’s Piano. I didn’t announce the song or tell the story, and I know the precise moment several of the people in my audience found the current of the story and hopped on.
There Were Roses. I love hearing sniffles from the stage.
I Don’t Want To Live on the Moon. Thank you Steve. I’m sure I’ll never be able to get through that song again without laughing.
Singing a command performance for Mary’s cousin and friends: they arrived late, after I’d finished for the evening. Mary asked for a few songs, which I was happy to sing. I think it made her night.
To gush a little about the shop itself, when I first stopped in I was unconvinced. It’s a small space, and I was afraid it would turn claustrophobic, but full of people it turned cozy and comfortable.
The coffee is good – Russ gets it from the Broadway CafĂ© – and the food is even better. I had a mediterranean roast beef: roast beef with greens, onions, tomato on really good bread and drizzled with oil and – of all things – balsamic vinegar. Delicious.
The location is nice too, with plenty of close parking thanks to Englewood’s median parking areas.